Sunday, August 26, 2012


Sitting down to make a self reflective post on a Sunday night.
Lol.  Cant sleep after coffee.
My first cup of coffee bean with an old friend :D

Working life is different. What do i really want? 
My fren asked me this question. 
I told him lol. I jz want someone to talk to. 
To listen to what i have to say and console me when im down.
Where i can say anything and just being myself without fear of being judged. 
To be there for me and accompany me when im bored.
He told me, i need a boyfriend.
I told him, no, i just need a friend. 
I mean it. But cant help but wonder, is he right? 
I dont want to find one just for the sake of having someone to be there for me.
Learning through consequences of finding job after feeling desperate to be employed.
I wont want to make the same mistake.

Life. So many definitions.
They say, we can choose what life we want to live.
Whether we want to pass every day happily or to be sad. 
But happiness and sadness, they are subject to influence by people around you.
Sometimes, really cant help but feel sad. Not that i want to feel this way.
But really cant help it. 
They say, its part and parcel of life. There are ups and downs.
And we grow through them. 
They make us strong.
What if i tell you, im not that strong after all?
I am afraid. I dont know what this world has to offer.
I cant see my future. I am going to spend the next tens of years this way? Omg
I am tired. This is life? 
You must be thinking, lol. I need to grow up. 
I am learning. I need some time.
Will working life change my personality?
Who will i become?

As im writing this, Windows Media Player shuffled to Dreaming to you by Selena. 
Late at night when all the world is sleeping
I stay up and think of you. 
And i wished on a star
That somewhere you are, thinking of me too. 

August 26 2012 Hours 2336

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

My August

Dont like dont like this transition period
Where's everything is in a mess 
Everything is new, and i need to start all over again.
Warning: If you are sick of complains please ignore this post
Just wana let go of things inside my head and i will be fine. Hopefully.

Work. I can say,
I started work in an environment which i have chosen.
As in indoor, with 5 days work a week, normal office hours. 
But sadly, I am not really that happy as i thought i would be.
Maybe i am not used to it becz it wasnt what i thought it would be like.
Or maybe i just had my heart set somewhere else. 
Or maybe im just lonely.
I do not know the answers. 
But truthfully, if i were given a choice,
I would be somewhere else.
I keep questioning myself.
Where i would be at this time, next year? 
I am sorry. I dont know. 
My boss actually treated me well. For that, i am grateful.
If i were to leave, the deepest regret would be me disappointing him. 
But thats unavoidable. Unpredictable. I am sorry. 
But i just realised something.
With greater hopes, come greater disappointments. 
But if you do not even have hope, you hv ady failed.
Pray, hope, thats what i can do now and wish for the best i could.
I gave my best. I have few regrets.

My new room. 

Yes, as you can see, 
I have a bed, with a cupboard. and a table with a chair.
Just like hostel. But this is a more expensive hostel.
And it had never failed to give me problems ever since i shifted here 2 weeks ago.

First, it the internet problem. 
Okay, my phone cn connect (just 1 miserable bar) to unifi
But my lappie can only detect local connection T_T 
I read many online forums using my phone but cant seem to solve my lappie problem though i changed setting per setting
But i can easily connect to streamyx at my bro's hse. Unifi o unifi zzz
And so, hehe, thanks to a friend who is willing to lend me his cable, thanks a lot lot lot =) 
I really feel i owe him a lot, appreciated and remembered for life =) 
I can online by plugging in the cable and connect through LAN 
However, i will need to shift my lappie with all its gadgets down to the kitchen 
And everyone passing by will be looking at me as if i am having some sort of stealing line project going on
But i dont mind, okay la, i mind lol no privacy ady, but i have no choice
And one fine day, after coming home frm the weekend, i see one new modem upstairs
with NEW username and NEW passsword
And yes, no more cable is needed for connection =)
I dont know what happened. 
Maybe the settings clicked after all? =) 
Happy ^^ 

After settling the internet problem,
Here comes the water problem. 
The first no water incident happened just for a few hours and the impact wasnt that great okay
But the nxt no water incident lasted for more than 24 hours
There was no water before i left for work, and no water AFTER i come back from work
That day i was stinky smelly sweaty after spending a few hours in the warehouse
And so i left for Serdang. Thanks for offering me water =)
But this visit made me use one half hours to reach work the following morning despite going out early
I was exhausted. 
And the story didnt end there.
There's no water again ystdy. WHEN I WAS IN THE BATHROOM READY FOR A BATH =.= 
Luckily i decided to wash my clothes first rather than bathe.
In the midst of clothes washing, there was suddenly no water from the tap
Luckily the bubbles were on my clothes not on my body
If not i think i would have just cried or perhaps died waiting for ppl to rescue me
Hmm. In the bathroom, there's no water tank/pail/container. Just a shower,sink, and toilet bowl.
So i quickly wore my clothes and went downstairs to bathe. 
Since the water pressure was lower downstairs, there was still water. Smart guess. 
Bathed like a buffalo. 

Today, i was smarter. 
I used a pail to fill in water for emergency usage.
Before stripping, i tested the water pressure of the sink
If the water pressure was low, should bathe downstairs.
And i started the proses mandian berperingkat
Instead of applying soap all over, i applied part by part.
First, brushed teeth and washed face
Then shampoo-ed hair, and washed away. 
Then soaped body, and washed away.
After bathing only wash clothes. 
Just the same as hostel.
But at least, hostel, stil got warning from frens
And if there's really no water from the shower while bathing, cn just go to the opposite side and wash off remaining detergent. 
But now..
Hope that water supply cn be consistent =.= 
Hope that nothing major is next =.=

Yes, this is my life for 2 weeks
Hope, the remaining of Aug and Sept will give me a different story
God bless.
Raya break is coming XD 
Miss you, Ipoh. 

August 15 2012 Hours 2220
Good night, Wednesday. 

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