The set lunch of 2 pizzas + Mushroom Soups + Garlic Bread + A jug of Soft drink plus a Wednesday special regular pizza =)
On the top: tuna Pizza. At the bottom: Forgot its name but its curry-like pizzA lol
Shh.. actually both also is not really my cup of tea cz i dont eat tuna and curry~

But after being made into pizza it tastes alright too:)
Trying something new jz like how i start liking mushroom soup xD
The main course:) Full ^^
Miss PYan Lai... Our second time at Pizza but this time she look less greedy right? LOL
Miss Amoi Kak Julia xD
The chicken-wing-look's KfLee xD
Emo ah kor.. duno what happen to him today~ cheer up kayy =))
2 more days~ different feelings~

July 27 2011 Hours 2245
p/s Perhaps its a different way of looking at things~ but since that incident, i need to learn to appreciate people around me becz we will never know what will happen to us the next minute =.= And the sad news is that,
There is no turning back time.
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