Tuesday, September 21, 2010

FST 4821

We eat cereals everyday..

Erm maybe not we lar, maybe just me.. =D

But the point is, do we actually know what is cereals?

Actually i dont want to know lor, but dr rose force me to know, and to understand it..

Maybe i should, it has become a part of me anyway, if the saying- you are what you eat is true, which i am sure it is.. =D

So cereals. Hmm. Introduction , ladies and gentlemen

What are cereals? Hmm they are edible seeds @ grains of the grass family lor. Grass XD

Principle cereals crops: Wheat, Maize, Rice ( Wow rice is a type of cereal), then barley, oats, rye, sorghum, millet (taktau apa benda itu)...

Most important: CEREALS-MOST IMPORTANT GROUP of vege kingdom, STAPLE FOOD DIET-provides at least 2/3 of a person's ENERGY and PROTEIN intake...

Then got a lot of black black pictures that are indistinguishable.. means can skip lor right =D

So skipping one page.. here we are at Structure.. =D

Cereal grains structure-basically similar differing from one another in detail only-- ONLY wor..

The only causes a lot of problems lor my god.. but anyway..

1) Fruit Coat (or Pericarp)
2) Seed Coat
3) Endosperm
4) Germ



Each of the main parts, as mentioned above, is divided into various layers and tissues,

Cz got a lot of layers, so the miller must be able to separate each individual part of the grain lor, if not how to process wor.. so important -MILLER SEPARATING EACH OF THE LAYERS =D

Structure of a wheat grain:

1) Bran coatings: 6 layers of cells: Outer 3-pericarp, inner 3- seed coat (inner like a coat covering the seed? =D )

2) Endosperm: Tightly packed cells of: Soluble & Insoluble proteins,Oil,Sugar, Minerals,Moisture

3)Germ ( Or embryo) - 3 parts:
  • Radical-Rootlet,
  • Plumule-Green Shoot
  • Scuttelum-Containing vitamin content of the grain ( We must eat more? =D )

Overall Chemical Composition:

1) Crude Fiber: 2-5 times higher in oats, barley, paddy

2) Protein: Low in rice

3) Fat: Oat, maize and millet rich in fat (If rich in fat then why the Quakers ad say that oats help to reduce cholesterol level in blood by clotting them together and eliminating them out of the system? .. Dont un but anyway for exams.. yea they are rich in fat ..)

Perhaps cholesterol is diff from fat, adn they want to convince customers and use that as a selling point? =D

4)Minerals- HIGHER in barley, oats and rice THAN in maize, wheat and rye..

Then i dont know why, suddenly, we jump to carbohydrates =D

Got 4 lor, in the notes.. STARCH, FIBRE, PENTOSAN and SUGARS

Wah.. really a lot.. to be continued XD

At this time i'm typing this post, someone told me my satay is in the middle of the pipeline in the sewage system >.< |||

September 21 2010, Hours 1825

p/s Flu the whole day, itu Fion suggests that i breathe using my mouth..

Sure inhaled a lot of dust into my system today XD.. cz there's no such thing as bulu mulut to act as a filter unlike bulu hidung..

But no choice. Either do it, or die of suffocation XD

So many possibilities to kill me lately

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