Since you complain about this and that..
Adn you doubted my professionality.. omg *cries*
Hmm..take my tears back.. dont want to cry for you.. not worth it XD haha
Was thinking how to modify..
But haiya.. thinking its your bday, i decided to dedicate a blogpost just for you..
Touched? *Come show me some tears- not crocodile tears lar.. haha*
After you see this, i regard this as ur bday gift, dont come and claim anything frm me ya.. i'm budget tight XD
Dont say.. aiye sheryl is stingy..
This gift is even better than any material possesion kayzzz.. i took heart and time to write this de..
The first i have ever done! dedicating a birthday blogpost to a fren..
One window opening blogger, another window opening meat processing technology XD
*Purposely wana remind you about meat technology blekss*
But anyway, to keep the crap story short, i would like to wish you happy 22nd =)
Happy bday to YingYing
Happy bday to YanYan
happy bday to YanYing
Happy bday to piggy
Happy bday to lemon
Happy bday to opera
Happy bday to wolfy
Happy bday to phantom? haha
*I'm sorry i laughed after hearing your phantom self-confession, i wil explain why some other day lolz*
To make the story short..
happy bday to you =)
Saw something very interesting in facebook.. there's something called..
See friendship
And i clicked, and my first reaction was like omg..
Look at the greedy picture of us eating..
Ehem..not us eating.. should be.. the greedy picture of you eating ..
Thats the main picture of the page! Rupanya eating is the basis of our friendship.. haha. Guess its true also, in a way =p
Fb is so thoughtful to have invented something like this. But sadly, it only covers event for the past few months.. >.<
I browsed through some of mine and my friend's friendships and was amused. So many memories. Bittersweet. And somme increasingly funny. Unbelievable.
Ehem.. back to the topic. Enjoyed those great times with you guys ^^
Study hard ya. To all of us lar =D Many many blessings annd take care ya
October 31 2010 Hours 1408
p/s Happy bday too to Miss EveLynn, Miss EeLin, and MrZhengKang. And yea. Also to CCl XD
lol..throw some crocodiles tears to u~ LOL
OMG. So not sincere XD
But anyway, expected de lar XD haha
happy bday ya ^^
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